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Try it out

Tighten your bowstring, look up and try one of the world's oldest sports.

Archery is a concentrated, strenuous but above all very enjoyable activity. It's easy to find the basics and learn how to shoot, but getting really good at it takes practice and patience. You shoot with a simple competition bow that is adapted for beginners. Among many other things, you'll learn about shooting technique, focus and safety.

During the summer we are at our outdoor track in Fålehagen and during the winter we are in Bråstorpskolans Gymnastikhall. In our calendar you can see where we are located and current training times.

Our training times for beginners are currently as follows:


Monday: 18:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 18.00 - 19.00


Monday: 18:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 18.00 - 19.00

We have no age limits, so young and old are welcome! However, you should be at least 8 years old.

Map to our outdoor course.

Map to the indoor venue.